Loft Insulation Grants

loft insulation

ECO scheme: Unlock Loft Insulation Grants to Save on Energy Bills and Reduce Carbon Footprint

If you're grappling with high energy bills, draughts, or a noticeably cold loft, it's time to consider loft insulation. It serves as a thermal barrier, trapping hot air and preventing it from escaping through your roof. This simple yet effective solution can save money and contribute to the UK's CO2 reduction targets.

How Loft Insulation Works

The Science Behind It

Loft insulation creates air pockets that trap hot air, preventing it from being lost into the atmosphere. This is particularly beneficial for many homes in the UK that lose heat due to outdated or inadequate loft insulation.

Environmental Impact

The UK government estimates that installing 300mm of blanket-style loft insulation in all homes could help the country meet its CO2 reduction goals. By opting for loft insulation, you're saving money and reducing your carbon footprint.

Grants and Funding: Making Loft Insulation Affordable

ECO4 Scheme and LA Flex Funding

Free government grants for loft insulation are available through the ECO4 scheme or LA Flex funding. Eco-Home Network can assist you in determining your Eligibility for these grants.

Expert Assessment

Our highly qualified surveyors can conduct a free home visit to recommend energy-saving measures and assess your Eligibility for government-funded grants.

Seamless Installation

Once your grant application is approved, Eco-Home Network will connect you with government-licensed and registered installers for cavity wall and loft insulation, ensuring quality and compliance.

Take the Next Step

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Visit our Eco Home Network Eligibility Form to determine if you qualify for a loft insulation grant.
  2. Consult Our Experts: For any questions or further information, please call us on 0333 577 5852.


Can you get grants to insulate your loft?

Yes, grants are available under the ECO scheme for those who meet specific criteria. These include claiming an eligible benefit, being on a low income, or suffering from an illness affected by the cold. Additionally, the grant is only available for properties with an EPC rating of G, F, or E; the EPC score needs to be improved by at least two bands.

What qualifies for a loft insulation grant?

To qualify, you must meet the ECO Scheme criteria and either have no insulation or insulation below 270mm. The grant is only available for properties with an EPC rating of G, F, or E.

Can I get my home insulated for free?

Free insulation is available only for those who meet the ECO Scheme's eligibility criteria. This includes claiming an eligible benefit, being on a low income, having an illness affected by the cold, and having a property with an EPC rating of G, F, or E.

Don't let your hard-earned money escape through the roof. Contact Eco-Home Network today to learn how loft insulation grants can make your home more energy-efficient, comfortable, and environmentally responsible.

Apply for Loft Insulation Grants today

Loft insulation offers significant energy bill savings, it is easily installed, and it will keep heat in your home. By Insulating your loft you can reduce heat loss and save a fortune over its 40-year lifetime.